Source code for devices.views

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from hashlib import sha256
from itertools import chain
import json, os, datetime, uuid, pytz, plistlib

from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, permission_required
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.core.paginator import Paginator
from django.contrib import messages
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Q
from django.http import JsonResponse, HttpResponse, FileResponse, Http404, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render, reverse
from django.template import loader
from django.utils import timezone
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from django.views.decorators.http import require_GET, require_POST
from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache

from .models import Laptop, LaptopPasswordRetrieval, LaptopPasswordRotation, ConfigurationProfile, InstallationRecord, \
from .forms import ProfileForm, EnrollmentForm, RemovalForm, ClientForm, AssignmentForm, ProfileRemovalForm, \
    NewAppForm, UpdateAppForm, UninstallAppForm, AppMergeForm
from emails.generators import GenericEmailGenerator

[docs]@login_required @require_GET @permission_required('devices.view_laptop', raise_exception=True) def laptops_list(request): """View a list of LNL's laptops""" laptops = Laptop.objects.filter(retired=False) return render(request, 'laptops/laptops_list.html', {"laptops": laptops})
[docs]@login_required @require_GET @permission_required('devices.view_laptop_history', raise_exception=True) def laptop_history(request, id): """ View a history of password retrievals and rotations for a given laptop :param id: Primary key of laptop """ laptop = get_object_or_404(Laptop, retired=False, pk=id) password_retrievals = laptop.password_retrievals.all() password_rotations = laptop.password_rotations.all() events = sorted( chain( (('retrieval', r) for r in password_retrievals), (('rotation', r) for r in password_rotations) ), key=lambda event: event[1].timestamp, reverse=True) return render(request, 'laptops/laptop_history.html', {'laptop': laptop, 'events': events})
[docs]@login_required @require_GET def laptop_user_password(request, id): """ Retrieve the LNL user password for one of the laptops :param id: Primary key of laptop """ laptop = get_object_or_404(Laptop, retired=False, pk=id) if not request.user.has_perm('devices.retrieve_user_password', laptop): raise PermissionDenied LaptopPasswordRetrieval.objects.create(laptop=laptop, user=request.user, admin=False) context = { 'title': 'Password for {}'.format(, 'password': laptop.user_password, 'now': } return render(request, 'laptops/password.html', context)
[docs]@login_required @require_GET def laptop_admin_password(request, id): """ Retrieve the admin password for one of the laptops :param id: Primary key of laptop """ laptop = get_object_or_404(Laptop, retired=False, pk=id) if not request.user.has_perm('devices.retrieve_admin_password', laptop): raise PermissionDenied LaptopPasswordRetrieval.objects.create(laptop=laptop, user=request.user, admin=True) context = { 'title': 'Admin Password for {}'.format(, 'password': laptop.admin_password, 'now': } return render(request, 'laptops/password.html', context)
[docs]@require_POST @csrf_exempt def rotate_passwords(request): """ Endpoint for updating the MacBook passwords once they've been rotated. :returns: The old passwords so the MacBooks can complete the rotation """ data = json.loads(request.body) laptop = get_object_or_404(Laptop, retired=False, api_key_hash=sha256(data['apiKey'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) response_data = {"oldUserPassword": laptop.user_password, "oldAdminPassword": laptop.admin_password} laptop.user_password = data['userPassword'] laptop.admin_password = data['adminPassword'] LaptopPasswordRotation.objects.create(laptop=laptop) return JsonResponse(response_data)
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.manage_mdm', raise_exception=True) def mdm_list(request): """MDM Console Homepage""" laptops = Laptop.objects.filter(retired=False) return render(request, 'mdm/mdm_list.html', {'laptops': laptops})
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.manage_mdm', raise_exception=True) def install_client(request): """Displays an agreement that the user must agree to before they can download the MDM Client installer""" context = {} if request.method == 'POST': form = ClientForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): installer = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "software", "mdm", "client_installer.dmg") if os.path.exists(installer): with open(installer, 'rb') as f: response = HttpResponse(, content_type='application/octet-stream') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=LNL MDM.dmg' return response messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, "Hmm, we couldn't seem to find the installer. Please try " "again later.") context['form'] = form else: context['form'] = form else: context['form'] = ClientForm() context['msg'] = "New Managed Device" return render(request, 'form_crispy.html', context)
[docs]@require_POST @csrf_exempt def mdm_enroll(request): """ Endpoint for starting the enrollment process. Must be contacted directly by the device being enrolled. :returns: Relative path to the link to complete the enrollment process (if client token is valid) """ data = json.loads(request.body) if data['token'] == settings.MDM_TOKEN: try: laptop = Laptop.objects.all().get(api_key_hash=sha256(data['APIKey'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) except Laptop.DoesNotExist: laptop = Laptop.objects.all().create(api_key_hash=sha256(data['APIKey'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), name=data['hostname'], user_password="None", admin_password="None") laptop.serial = data['serial'] laptop.last_ip = data['networkIP'] response = {'next': reverse("mdm:enroll", args=[])} else: response = {'next': reverse("mdm:enroll", args=[0])} return JsonResponse(response)
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.manage_mdm', raise_exception=True) def complete_enrollment(request, pk): """ Launched once the installation process is completed on a new device. Prompts the user for additional administrative details such as the asset tag number to complete the enrollment process. :param pk: Primary key of device """ context = {} if str(pk) == '0': raise PermissionDenied try: laptop = Laptop.objects.all().get(pk=pk, serial__isnull=False, mdm_enrolled=False) except Laptop.DoesNotExist: response = render(request, '404.html', {'status': 'Error', 'error_message': 'Unable to enroll device. May already be enrolled.'}) response.status_code = 404 return response if request.method == 'POST': form = EnrollmentForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid() and request.POST['asset_tag'] not in [None, '']: = request.POST['name'] laptop.asset_tag = request.POST['asset_tag'] laptop.user_password = request.POST['user_password'] laptop.admin_password = request.POST['admin_password'] laptop.mdm_enrolled = True template = loader.get_template('default.html') return HttpResponse(template.render({'title': "Success!", 'message': "This device is now enrolled in the LNL MDM.", 'NO_FOOT': True, 'EXIT_BTN': True}, request)) else: context['form'] = EnrollmentForm(request.POST) else: context['form'] = EnrollmentForm(instance=laptop) return render(request, 'form_crispy.html', context)
[docs]@require_POST @csrf_exempt def mdm_checkin(request): """ Endpoint for device check-in. Managed devices will check in each time a new user logs onto the device. :returns: JSON - If resources are pending install, includes the identifiers needed for the client to fetch and \ install them. Returns {'status': 200} otherwise. """ data = json.loads(request.body) laptop = get_object_or_404(Laptop, api_key_hash=sha256(data['APIKey'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), mdm_enrolled=True) system_profiles = [] user_profiles = [] system_profiles_remove = [] user_profiles_remove = [] password = None for record in InstallationRecord.objects.filter(device=laptop, profile__isnull=False, version="RM", active=True): profile = record.profile if profile.scope == 'System': system_profiles_remove.append( else: user_profiles_remove.append( password = settings.MDM_PASS for profile in laptop.pending.all(): if not in system_profiles_remove and not in user_profiles_remove: if profile.scope == 'System': system_profiles.append( else: user_profiles.append( if len(system_profiles) > 0 or len(user_profiles) > 0 or len(system_profiles_remove) > 0 or \ len(user_profiles_remove) > 0: response_data = {"status": 100, "system_profiles": system_profiles, "user_profiles": user_profiles, "system_profiles_remove": system_profiles_remove, "user_profiles_remove": user_profiles_remove, "removal_password": password, "password": laptop.admin_password} else: response_data = {"status": 200} laptop.last_checkin = laptop.last_ip = data['networkIP'] return JsonResponse(response_data)
[docs]@require_POST @csrf_exempt def install_confirmation(request): """ Endpoint for accepting receipt of install. Managed devices should contact this endpoint anytime new resources are installed. :returns: JSON - {'status': 200} """ data = json.loads(request.body) device = get_object_or_404(Laptop, api_key_hash=sha256(data['APIKey'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), mdm_enrolled=True) profiles_installed = data['installed'] profiles_removed = data['removed'] apps = data['apps'].split('#') for pk in profiles_installed: profile = get_object_or_404(ConfigurationProfile, pk=pk) timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(data['timestamp'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ').replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) metadata = get_profile_metadata(profile, timestamp) expiration_date = metadata['expires'] version = metadata['version'] device.pending.remove(profile) device.installed.add(profile) try: record = InstallationRecord.objects.get(profile=profile, device=device, active=True) record.version = version record.expires = expiration_date record.installed_on = except InstallationRecord.DoesNotExist: record = InstallationRecord.objects.create(profile=profile, device=device, version=version, expires=expiration_date, active=True) for pk in profiles_removed: profile = get_object_or_404(ConfigurationProfile, pk=pk) device.pending.remove(profile) record = InstallationRecord.objects.get(profile=profile, device=device, active=True) = False record.expires = installed = [] for item in apps: if item in [None, '']: continue identifier = item.split('=')[0] version = item.split('=')[1] app = MacOSApp.objects.filter(name__iexact=identifier).first() if app: if app.merged_into is not None: app = app.merged_into if version not in [None, ''] and app.version is None: app.version = version if app in MacOSApp.objects.filter(pending_install=device): app.pending_install.remove(device) if app not in MacOSApp.objects.filter(installed=device): app.installed.add(device) if version is None: version = app.version InstallationRecord.objects.create(app=app, device=device, version=version) elif InstallationRecord.objects.get(app=app, device=device, active=True).version != version: record = InstallationRecord.objects.get(app=app, device=device, active=True) = False record.expires = InstallationRecord.objects.create(app=app, device=device, version=version) else: if version not in [None, '']: app = MacOSApp.objects.create(name=identifier, version=version) else: app = MacOSApp.objects.create(name=identifier) app.installed.add(device) InstallationRecord.objects.create(app=app, device=device, version=app.version) installed.append(app) for app in MacOSApp.objects.filter(installed=device): if app not in installed: app.installed.remove(device) record = InstallationRecord.objects.get(app=app, device=device, active=True) = False record.expires = return JsonResponse({'status': 200})
[docs]def get_profile_metadata(config, timestamp): """ Retrieve additional metadata from profile data :param config: Configuration Profile object :param timestamp: Timestamp at time of install :returns: Dictionary with profile metadata - {'expires': <datetime>, 'version': <string>} """ with open(config.profile) as profile: context = json.load(profile) data = {} expires_on = None expires_after = None version = str(context['data']['version']) if context['data']['removal_date'] is not None: expires_on = timezone.make_aware(datetime.datetime.strptime( context['data']['removal_date'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') ).astimezone(pytz.UTC) if context['data']['removal_period'] is not None: expires_after = timestamp + timezone.timedelta(seconds=context['data']['removal_period']) if expires_on is not None and expires_after is not None: if expires_on < expires_after: expiration_date = expires_on else: expiration_date = expires_after elif expires_on is not None: expiration_date = expires_on else: expiration_date = expires_after if context['data']['auto_remove'] == 'default': expiration_date = None data['expires'] = expiration_date data['version'] = version return data
[docs]def dock_app_list(data): """ Used in generating macOS configuration profiles. Generates a dictionary with details about applications that should be added to the Dock. :param data: Form data (Dictionary) :returns: Dictionary - {'name': <string>, 'path': <string>} """ apps = [] count = data['extra_dock'] + 1 for i in range(count): name = data['app_name_%s' % str(i)] path = data['app_path_%s' % str(i)] if name not in [None, '']: apps.append({'name': name, 'path': path}) return apps
[docs]def fw_app_list(data): """ Used in generating macOS configuration profiles. Generates a dictionary used in configuring Firewall settings. :param data: Form data (Dictionary) :returns: Dictionary - {'bundle_id': <string>, 'allowed': <boolean>} """ apps = [] count = data['extra_firewall'] for i in range(count): bundle = data['id_%s' % str(i + 1)] allowed = data['permit_%s' % str(i + 1)] if bundle not in [None, '']: apps.append({'bundle_id': bundle, 'allowed': allowed}) return apps
[docs]def get_payloads(data): """ Generates a dictionary which specifies which payloads are active in a given profile and what their current version numbers are. :param data: Form data (Dictionary) :returns: Dictionary of payload versions """ types = ['store', 'siri', 'desktop', 'dock', 'energy', 'finder', 'filevault', 'firewall', 'itunes', 'login', 'passcode', 'password', 'restrictions', 'safari', 'screensaver', 'setup', 'software', 'diagnostics', 'policy', 'preferences', 'time_machine'] payloads = {} for i, payload in enumerate(types): if data.get(types[i] + '_version', None) not in [None, '']: payloads[payload] = data.get(types[i] + '_version') return payloads
[docs]def generate_ids(): """ Generates UUIDs for each of the profile's payloads. :returns: Dictionary of payload identifiers """ payloads = ['info', 'ad_tracking', 'airdrop', 'store', 'siri', 'desktop', 'desktop_services', 'dock', 'energy', 'filevault', 'finder', 'firewall', 'itunes', 'login', 'passcode', 'password', 'restrictions', 'safari', 'screensaver', 'setup', 'software', 'diagnostics', 'policy', 'policy_2', 'preferences', 'preferences_security', 'time_machine'] ids = {} for i, payload in enumerate(payloads): identifier = str(uuid.uuid4()).upper() ids[payload] = identifier[9:] return ids
[docs]def load_ids(data): """ Reassembles payload identifiers. This is necessary because the MDM does not store the full payload identifiers with the profile data. :param data: Dictionary of payload identifiers :returns: Dictionary of payload identifiers """ identifiers = {} base_id = settings.MDM_UUID for payload in data: identifiers[payload] = "%s-%s" % (base_id, data[payload]) return identifiers
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.manage_mdm', raise_exception=True) @never_cache def list_profiles(request, pk=0): """ When given a `pk` value, this view will list all the configuration profiles for a given device. When `pk` is not supplied, the view will list all the profiles in the MDM. :param pk: Primary key of device (Optional) """ context = {'items': [], 'resource_type': 'Profile'} handle_expired_profiles() if pk == 0: context['h2'] = "Configuration Profiles" context['header_1'] = "Type" context['header_2'] = "Last Modified" profiles = ConfigurationProfile.objects.all().reverse() for profile in profiles: assignment_count = profile.pending_install.count() install_count = profile.installed.count() data = {'filename': str(profile), 'type': "macOS", 'meta': profile, 'assignment_count': assignment_count, 'install_count': install_count} context['items'].append(data) else: device = get_object_or_404(Laptop, pk=pk) context['h2'] = "Profiles for {}".format( context['header_1'] = "Version" context['header_2'] = "Expires" context['device_view'] = True context['device_id'] = pk profiles = ConfigurationProfile.objects.filter(pending_install__in=[device]) profiles |= ConfigurationProfile.objects.filter(installed__in=[device]) for profile in profiles: status = 'Not assigned' for entry in profile.installed.all(): if entry == device: status = 'Installed' for entry in profile.pending_install.all(): if entry == device: status = 'Assigned' record = InstallationRecord.objects.filter(profile=profile, device=device, active=True).first() expires_soon = False if record is not None and record.expires is not None: if < record.expires < + timezone.timedelta(days=30): expires_soon = True data = {'filename': str(profile), 'downloadable': False, 'install_record': record, 'meta': profile, 'status': status, 'expires_soon': expires_soon} context['items'].append(data) return render(request, 'mdm/resource_list.html', context)
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.manage_mdm', raise_exception=True) def profile_devices(request, pk): """ List all devices that are linked to a given profile :param pk: Primary key of configuration profile """ context = {} profile = get_object_or_404(ConfigurationProfile, pk=pk) to_remove = InstallationRecord.objects.filter(profile=profile, device__pending__in=[profile], active=True, version="RM") pending = Laptop.objects.filter(pending__in=[profile]).exclude(install_records__in=to_remove) installed = InstallationRecord.objects.filter(profile=profile, device__installed__in=[profile], active=True)\ .exclude(version="RM") pending_removal = [] for record in to_remove: pending_removal.append(record.device) context['resource'] = profile context['resource_type'] = 'Profile' context['pending'] = pending context['pending_removal'] = pending_removal context['installed'] = installed context['today'] = context['expiration_warning'] = + timezone.timedelta(days=30) return render(request, 'mdm/device_list.html', context)
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.manage_mdm', raise_exception=True) def generate_profile(request, pk=0): """ Create or edit a macOS configuration profile :param pk: Primary key of configuration profile (Optional) """ context = {} extra_dock = int(request.POST.get('extra_dock', 0)) extra_firewall = int(request.POST.get('extra_firewall', 0)) config = ConfigurationProfile.objects.filter(pk=pk).first() edit_mode = False if config is not None: edit_mode = True if request.method == 'POST': form = ProfileForm(request.POST, extra_dock=extra_dock, extra_firewall=extra_firewall, edit_mode=edit_mode) if form.is_valid() and request.POST['save'] != "+ Add App" and request.POST['save'] != "Add App": context['data'] = form.cleaned_data context['password'] = 'Nice Try!' context['payloads'] = get_payloads(request.POST) context['data']['static_apps'] = dock_app_list(context['data']) context['data']['firewall_apps'] = fw_app_list(context['data']) # If removal date, convert to string if context['data']['removal_date'] is not None: context['data']['removal_date'] = context['data']['removal_date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") # Generate UUIDs for the payloads if not edit_mode: context['identifiers'] = generate_ids() else: profile_data = open(config.profile) data = json.load(profile_data) profile_data.close() context['identifiers'] = data['identifiers'] # Save to file display_name = request.POST.get('display_name') filename = request.POST.get('filename') path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'profiles', '{}.json'.format(filename)) with open(path, 'w') as profile: profile.write(json.dumps(context)) new_profile, created = ConfigurationProfile.objects.get_or_create( name=display_name, profile=os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'profiles', '{}.json'.format(filename)) ) new_profile.scope = context['data']['scope'] # If 'Save and Redeploy' selected, configure MDM to update all previously installed copies as well if request.POST['save'] == 'Save and Redeploy': laptops = Laptop.objects.all().filter(mdm_enrolled=True, retired=False, installed__in=[new_profile]) for laptop in laptops: laptop.installed.remove(new_profile) laptop.pending.add(new_profile) template = loader.get_template('default.html') return HttpResponse(template.render({ 'title': "Success!", 'message': "Your new configuration profile has been generated successfully! It is now available for " "download through the MDM.", 'NO_FOOT': True, 'EXIT_BTN': True, 'EXIT_URL': reverse("mdm:list") }, request)) else: if request.POST['save'] == "+ Add App": extra_dock += 1 elif request.POST['save'] == "Add App": extra_firewall += 1 context['form'] = ProfileForm(request.POST, extra_dock=extra_dock, extra_firewall=extra_firewall, edit_mode=edit_mode) else: if edit_mode: profile_data = open(config.profile) file_data = json.load(profile_data) if file_data['data']['removal_date'] is not None: file_data['data']['removal_date'] = timezone.make_aware( datetime.datetime.strptime(file_data['data']['removal_date'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')) profile_data.close() form = ProfileForm(None, initial=file_data['data'], extra_dock=file_data['data']['extra_dock'], extra_firewall=file_data['data']['extra_firewall'], edit_mode=True) else: identifier = str(uuid.uuid4()) filename = "profile-{}".format(identifier[0:8]) form = ProfileForm(initial={'filename': filename}, extra_dock=extra_dock, extra_firewall=extra_firewall, edit_mode=False) context['form'] = form # Ensure the automatic profile removal options are hidden if not being utilized context['custom_script'] = "$(document).ready(function (){$('#id_auto_remove').change(function (){" \ "if (this.value == 'default') {$('#div_id_removal_date').hide();" \ "$('#div_id_removal_period').hide();}else{$('#div_id_removal_date').show();" \ "$('#div_id_removal_period').show();}});$('#id_auto_remove').change();});" context['msg'] = "Manage Configuration Profile" return render(request, 'form_crispy.html', context)
[docs]@require_GET def mobile_config(request, profile_id, action='Install'): """ Endpoint for generating and downloading a macOS configuration profile. The request must include the MDM Client token for authentication purposes. If `action` is set to `Uninstall`, the resulting file will cause existing copies of the profile to be removed from the device. :param profile_id: Primary key of configuration profile :param action: Either 'Install' or 'Uninstall' """ config = get_object_or_404(ConfigurationProfile, pk=profile_id) if not request.GET or 'token' not in request.GET: raise PermissionDenied token = request.GET['token'] if token != settings.MDM_TOKEN: raise PermissionDenied with open(config.profile) as profile: context = json.load(profile) context['UUID'] = "%s-%s" % (settings.MDM_UUID, context['identifiers']['info']) context['identifiers'] = load_ids(context['identifiers']) context['password'] = settings.MDM_PASS if action == 'Uninstall': context['data']['auto_remove'] = 'expire' context['data']['removal_date'] = None context['data']['removal_period'] = 15 temp = loader.get_template('mdm/laptop_settings.xml') response = FileResponse(temp.render(context), content_type='application/force-download') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="profile.mobileconfig"' return response
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.manage_mdm', raise_exception=True) def remove_device(request, pk): """ Removes a device from the MDM. Presents warnings and instructions for how to complete the operation correctly. :param pk: Primary key of device """ device = get_object_or_404(Laptop, pk=pk) context = {} if request.method == 'POST': form = RemovalForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): device.mdm_enrolled = False device.serial = None device.asset_tag = None device.last_ip = None device.last_checkin = None template = loader.get_template('default.html') return HttpResponse(template.render({'title': 'Device Removed', 'message': 'This device is no longer associated with the MDM.', 'EXIT_BTN': True, 'EXIT_URL': reverse("mdm:list"), 'NO_FOOT': True}, request)) else: context['form'] = RemovalForm(request.POST) else: if device.serial == 'DISCONNECTED': context['form'] = RemovalForm(uninstalled=True) else: context['form'] = RemovalForm() return render(request, 'form_crispy.html', context)
[docs]def handle_expired_profiles(): """Checks for expired profiles and updates listings accordingly""" expired_profiles = InstallationRecord.objects.filter(, active=True) for record in expired_profiles: device = record.device profile = record.profile device.installed.remove(profile) = False
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.view_removal_password', raise_exception=True) def removal_password(request): """Displays the password that can be used to manually remove configuration profiles from managed devices""" context = {'title': 'Profile Removal Password', 'password': settings.MDM_PASS, 'now':} return render(request, 'laptops/password.html', context)
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.manage_mdm', raise_exception=True) def remove_profile(request, profile, device=0): """ If a primary key value is supplied for both the `device` and `profile`, the user will be able to remove the assignment between the profile and that particular device. If only the `profile` is provided, all device assignments for the profile will be removed and the profile data will be deleted. In both cases, two options will be presented to the user: 1.) Mark the profile as removed (if the profile had already been removed manually) 2.) Instruct the MDM to remove the profile automatically at the next checkin :param profile: Primary key of configuration profile :param device: Primary key of device (Optional) """ context = {} config = get_object_or_404(ConfigurationProfile, pk=profile) if device == 0: # Completely remove Configuration Profile from MDM mode = 'delete' if config.installed.all().count() == 0: config.delete() messages.success(request, "Profile was successfully deleted", extra_tags='success') return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("mdm:list")) else: context['form'] = ProfileRemovalForm(mode=mode) else: # Unlink profile from device laptop = get_object_or_404(Laptop, pk=device) if config in laptop.pending.all(): laptop.pending.remove(config) record = InstallationRecord.objects.filter(profile=config, device=laptop, active=True, version="RM").first() # If record exists (profile is already installed) reset to installed status if record is not None: laptop.installed.add(config) with open(config.profile) as profile: context = json.load(profile) record.version = str(context['data']['version']) messages.success(request, "Removal request cancelled", extra_tags='success') else: messages.success(request, "Profile is no longer assigned to {}".format(, extra_tags='success') return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("mdm:list")) elif config in laptop.installed.all(): mode = 'disassociate' context['form'] = ProfileRemovalForm(mode=mode) else: raise Http404 # If auto-removal option presented, handle form data if request.method == 'POST': form = ProfileRemovalForm(request.POST, mode=mode) if form.is_valid(): selected = form.cleaned_data['options'] if selected == 'auto': if mode == 'disassociate': record = get_object_or_404(InstallationRecord, profile=config, device=laptop, active=True) record.version = "RM" laptop.installed.remove(config) laptop.pending.add(config) else: # Cancel all pending assignments first for laptop in config.pending_install.all(): config.pending_install.remove(laptop) # Prepare MDM to remove profile from device for laptop in config.installed.all(): record = get_object_or_404(InstallationRecord, profile=config, device=laptop, active=True) record.version = "RM" laptop.installed.remove(config) laptop.pending.add(config) messages.success(request, "Profiles will be removed automatically at next checkin", extra_tags='success') else: if mode == 'disassociate': record = get_object_or_404(InstallationRecord, profile=config, device=laptop, active=True) record.expires = = False laptop.installed.remove(config) messages.success(request, "Profile successfully removed from {}".format(, extra_tags='success') else: for laptop in config.installed.all(): record = get_object_or_404(InstallationRecord, profile=config, device=laptop, active=True) record.expires = = False config.delete() messages.success(request, "Configuration profile deleted successfully") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("mdm:list")) else: context['form'] = form return render(request, 'form_crispy.html', context)
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.add_apps', raise_exception=True) def add_app(request): """ Administrators can use this page to add new managed applications. Non-admin users will have the option to request new software. Requests from non-admins will trigger a notification for the Webmaster. """ context = {} title = "New Application" if not request.user.has_perm('devices.manage_apps'): title = "Request Application" if request.method == 'POST': form = NewAppForm(data=request.POST, title=title, request_user=request.user) if form.is_valid(): if title == "Request Application": message = + " has requested that you add " + request.POST['name'] + \ " to the list of available applications in the MDM Managed Software Library.<br><br>" \ "Log into the <a href='" + reverse("mdm:list") + "'>MDM Console</a> to " \ "view or deny the request." email = GenericEmailGenerator(subject="New MacBook Software Request", to_emails=settings.EMAIL_TARGET_W, body=message) email.send() messages.success(request, "Your request has been submitted. The Webmaster will review it shortly.") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("home")) messages.success(request, "Application added successfully!") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("mdm:apps")) else: form = NewAppForm(title=title, request_user=request.user) context['form'] = form context['msg'] = title return render(request, 'form_crispy.html', context)
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.view_apps', raise_exception=True) def view_app(request, pk): """ Details page for a specific managed application :param pk: Primary key of managed application """ app = get_object_or_404(MacOSApp, pk=pk) context = {'app': app} return render(request, 'mdm/app_detail.html', context)
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.view_apps', raise_exception=True) def app_list(request): """Lists all the applications available through Homebrew""" return render(request, 'mdm/app_list.html', {})
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.manage_apps', raise_exception=True) def update_app_info(request, pk): """ Update the metadata for a managed application. :param pk: Primary key of managed application """ context = {} app = get_object_or_404(MacOSApp, pk=pk) if request.method == 'POST': form = UpdateAppForm(request.POST, instance=app) if form.is_valid(): if request.POST['save'] == "Save Changes": messages.success(request, "Application info updated successfully") elif request.POST['save'] == "Merge": return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("mdm:merge-app", args=[])) else: app = form.instance return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("mdm:remove-app", args=[])) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("mdm:apps")) else: form = UpdateAppForm(instance=app) context['form'] = form context['msg'] = "Application Info" return render(request, 'form_crispy.html', context)
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.manage_apps', raise_exception=True) def merge_app(request, pk): """ Page for merging two app records together. This is helpful when we want to hide duplicates. :param pk: Primary key of the managed application to be merged """ context = {} app = get_object_or_404(MacOSApp, pk=pk) if request.method == 'POST': form = AppMergeForm(request.POST, pk=pk) if form.is_valid(): selected = form.cleaned_data.get('options') parent = MacOSApp.objects.get(pk=selected) app.merged_into = parent if parent.description in [None, ''] and app.description not in [None, '']: parent.description = app.description if parent.version in [None, ''] and app.version not in [None, '']: parent.version = app.version if parent.developer in [None, ''] and app.developer not in [None, '']: parent.developer = app.developer if parent.developer_website in [None, ''] and app.developer_website not in [None, '']: parent.developer_website = app.developer_website messages.success(request, 'Applications merged successfully') return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('mdm:apps')) else: form = AppMergeForm(pk=pk) context['form'] = form app_name = MacOSApp.objects.get(pk=pk).name context['msg'] = 'Merge ' + app_name + ' into...' return render(request, 'form_crispy.html', context)
[docs]def refresh_managed_software_status(): """ Checks the Munki catalogs to retrieve the latest managed software lists """ try: with open(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/software/catalogs/default', 'rb') as catalog: data = plistlib.load(catalog) apps = [] # Grab app data from plist for app_data in data: app_name = app_data.get('display_name', None) app_description = app_data.get('description', None) app_version = app_data.get('version', None) app_developer = app_data.get('developer', None) apps.append({"name": app_name, "description": app_description.strip(), "version": app_version, "developer": app_developer}) # Update database managed_apps = [] for app in apps: obj = MacOSApp.objects.filter(name__iexact=app['name']).first() if obj: if obj.merged_into is not None: obj = obj.merged_into obj.managed = True managed_apps.append(obj) if app['description'] and not obj.description: obj.description = app['description'] if app['developer'] and not obj.developer: obj.developer = app['developer'] if app['version'] and not obj.version: obj.version = app['version'] else: obj = MacOSApp.objects.create(name=app['name'], description=app['description'], version=app['version'], developer=app['developer'], managed=True) managed_apps.append(obj) # Check for old managed apps that are no longer in the catalog for app in MacOSApp.objects.filter(managed=True).all(): if app not in managed_apps: app.managed = False except FileNotFoundError: pass
[docs]@login_required @permission_required("devices.manage_apps", raise_exception=True) def reload_from_munki(request, pk): """ Refresh an application's record with data from the Munki catalog :param pk: The primary key of the application to refresh data for """ app = get_object_or_404(MacOSApp, pk=pk) description = app.description version = app.version app.description = None app.version = None refresh_managed_software_status() app.refresh_from_db() if app.description in [None, '']: app.description = description if app.version in [None, '']: app.version = version return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("mdm:app-detail", args=[pk]))
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.view_apps', raise_exception=True) def list_apps(request, pk=0): """ If a value is provided for `pk`, this will list all the managed applications assigned to the respective device. Otherwise this will list all the managed apps under the MDM. :param pk: Primary key of device (Optional) """ context = {'items': [], 'resource_type': 'App'} if pk == 0: context['h2'] = "Managed Applications" context['header_1'] = "Developer" context['header_2'] = "Version" refresh_managed_software_status() apps = MacOSApp.objects.filter(merged_into__isnull=True).reverse() if not request.user.has_perm('devices.manage_apps'): apps = apps.filter(managed=True).exclude(installed__isnull=True, pending_install__isnull=True) for app in apps: assignment_count = app.pending_install.count() installed_on = app.installed.all() data = {'meta': app, 'assignment_count': assignment_count, 'installed': installed_on} context['items'].append(data) else: if not request.user.has_perm('devices.manage_apps'): raise PermissionDenied device = get_object_or_404(Laptop, pk=pk) context['h2'] = "Applications on {}".format( context['header_1'] = "Developer" context['header_2'] = "Version" context['device_view'] = True context['device_id'] = pk apps = MacOSApp.objects.filter(pending_install__in=[device]) apps |= MacOSApp.objects.filter(installed__in=[device]) for app in apps: status = 'Not assigned' for entry in app.installed.all(): if entry == device: status = 'Installed' for entry in app.pending_install.all(): if entry == device: status = 'Assigned' data = {'meta': app, 'status': status} context['items'].append(data) return render(request, 'mdm/resource_list.html', context)
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.manage_apps', raise_exception=True) def list_app_devices(request, pk): """ List all devices linked to a specific app :param pk: Primary key of managed application """ context = {} app = get_object_or_404(MacOSApp, pk=pk) pending = Laptop.objects.filter(apps_pending__in=[app]) installed = InstallationRecord.objects.filter(app=app, device__apps_installed__in=[app], active=True) context['resource'] = app context['resource_type'] = 'App' context['pending'] = pending context['installed'] = installed return render(request, 'mdm/device_list.html', context)
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.manage_apps', raise_exception=True) def remove_app(request, app, device=0): """ If a primary key value is supplied for both the `device` and `app`, the user will be able to remove the assignment between the managed application and that particular device. If only the `app` is provided, all device assignments for the application will be removed and the app will no longer be available to devices under the MDM. :param app: Primary key of managed application :param device: Primary key of device (Optional) """ context = {} app = get_object_or_404(MacOSApp, pk=app) if device == 0: # Completely remove Application from MDM mode = 'delete' if app.installed.all().count() == 0: app.delete() messages.success(request, "Application was successfully deleted", extra_tags='success') return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("mdm:apps")) else: context['form'] = UninstallAppForm(mode=mode) else: # Unlink app from device laptop = get_object_or_404(Laptop, pk=device) if app in laptop.apps_pending.all(): laptop.apps_pending.remove(app) messages.success(request, "Application is no longer assigned to {}".format(, extra_tags='success') return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("mdm:apps")) # If pending removal reset to installed status if app in laptop.apps_remove.all(): laptop.apps_installed.add(app) laptop.apps_remove.remove(app) messages.success(request, "Removal request cancelled", extra_tags='success') return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("mdm:apps")) if app in laptop.apps_installed.all(): mode = 'disassociate' context['form'] = UninstallAppForm(mode=mode) else: raise Http404 # Handle form data if request.method == 'POST': form = UninstallAppForm(request.POST, mode=mode) if form.is_valid(): if mode == 'disassociate': record = get_object_or_404(InstallationRecord, app=app, device=laptop, active=True) = False record.expires = laptop.apps_installed.remove(app) messages.success(request, "Application successfully removed from {}".format(, extra_tags='success') else: app.delete() messages.success(request, "Application deleted successfully") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("mdm:apps")) else: context['form'] = form return render(request, 'form_crispy.html', context)
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('devices.manage_mdm', raise_exception=True) def logs(request): """Displays logs detailing what was installed on what devices and when""" def get_timestamp(data): return data.get('timestamp') events = [] for record in InstallationRecord.objects.all(): if record.profile: resource = record.profile resource_type = "(Configuration Profile) " else: resource = if record.version: resource_type = "(" + record.version + ") " else: resource_type = "" if obj = {'timestamp': record.installed_on, 'details': + " " + resource_type + "was installed on " +} events.append(obj) else: obj = {'timestamp': record.expires, 'details': + " " + resource_type + "was removed from " +} events.append(obj) obj = {'timestamp': record.installed_on, 'details': + " " + resource_type + "was installed on " +} events.append(obj) events.sort(key=get_timestamp, reverse=True) paginator = Paginator(events, 50) page_number = request.GET.get('page', 1) current_page = paginator.get_page(page_number) context = {'headers': ['Timestamp', 'Event'], 'title': 'Install Log', 'events': current_page} return render(request, 'access_log.html', context)