Source code for inventory.views

from io import BytesIO
import json
import re
import requests

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, permission_required
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.core.paginator import EmptyPage, PageNotAnInteger, Paginator
from django.db.models import Count
from django.http import (HttpResponse)
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.utils import timezone
from xhtml2pdf import pisa

from . import forms, models, api
from emails.generators import DefaultLNLEmailGenerator
from pdfs.views import link_callback


# Inventory is currently read-only now that we are using Snipe
[docs]@login_required def view_all(request): """ Lists all items in LNL's inventory (no longer maintained - read-only) """ if not request.user.has_perm('inventory.view_equipment'): raise PermissionDenied context = {} inv = models.EquipmentClass.objects.order_by('name') \ .annotate(item_count=Count('items')) categories = models.EquipmentCategory.objects.all() paginator = Paginator(inv, NUM_IN_PAGE) page = request.GET.get('page') try: context['inv'] = except PageNotAnInteger: # If page is not an integer, deliver first page. context['inv'] = except EmptyPage: # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results. context['inv'] = context['h2'] = "Inventory: Item List" context['cats'] = categories return render(request, 'inventory/list.html', context)
[docs]@login_required def cat(request, category_id): """ List items by category :param category_id: The primary key value of the equipment category """ if not request.user.has_perm('inventory.view_equipment'): raise PermissionDenied context = {} category = get_object_or_404(models.EquipmentCategory, pk=category_id) if 'exclusive' in request.GET and request.GET['exclusive']: inv = models.EquipmentClass.objects.filter(category=category) context['exclusive'] = True else: inv = models.EquipmentClass.objects.filter(category__in=category.get_descendants_inclusive) context['exclusive'] = False inv = inv.order_by('category__level', 'category__name', 'name') \ .annotate(item_count=Count('items')) subcategories = models.EquipmentCategory.objects.all() paginator = Paginator(inv, NUM_IN_PAGE) page = request.GET.get('page') try: context['inv'] = except PageNotAnInteger: # If page is not an integer, deliver first page. context['inv'] = except EmptyPage: # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results. context['inv'] = context['h2'] = "Inventory: %s" % context['cat'] = category context['cats'] = subcategories return render(request, 'inventory/list.html', context)
[docs]@login_required def type_detail(request, type_id): """ Detail page for a group of items """ e = get_object_or_404(models.EquipmentClass, pk=type_id) return render(request, 'inventory/type_detail.html', { 'breadcrumbs': e.breadcrumbs, 'equipment': e })
[docs]@login_required def item_detail(request, item_id): """ Detail page for a specific item """ item = get_object_or_404(models.EquipmentItem, pk=item_id) return render(request, 'inventory/item_detail.html', { 'breadcrumbs': item.breadcrumbs, 'item': item })
[docs]def update_tag_list(post_data, new_item): """ Adds a new item to the list of asset tags stored in hidden fields on the Snipe Checkin and Checkout forms and returns an additional dictionary containing basic information for each verified item. :param post_data: The request's POST data :param new_item: The next asset or accessory to add to the list :returns: Updated form data and basic inventory item information (Dictionary and list of Dictionaries) """ new_data = post_data.copy() tags = new_data['saved_tags'].split('\n') tags.append(str(new_item['id']) + "~~" + str(new_item['asset_tag']) + "~~" + new_item['name'] + "~~" + new_item['rental_cost']) if '' in tags: tags.remove('') new_data['saved_tags'] = '\n'.join(tags) new_data.pop('asset_tag') saved_tags = retrieve_saved_tags(new_data) return new_data, saved_tags
[docs]def retrieve_saved_tags(post_data): """ Converts the asset tag data stored in a form into a list of dictionaries. :param post_data: The request's POST data :return: A list of dictionaries containing the metadata for the selected assets and/or accessories """ tags = post_data['saved_tags'].split('\n') if '' in tags: tags.remove('') saved_tags = [{'id': item.split('~~')[0], 'tag': item.split('~~')[1], 'name': item.split('~~')[2], 'cost': float(item.split('~~')[3])} for item in tags] return saved_tags
[docs]def remove_saved_tag(post_data, tag): """ Removes an item from the list of pending assets and/or accessories stored in a Snipe Checkin or Checkout form. :param post_data: The request's POST data :param tag: The asset tag value of the item to remove :return: The updated form data and list of item metadata dictionaries """ new_data = post_data.copy() tags = new_data['saved_tags'].split('\n') item = next((item for item in tags if item.split("~~")[1] == tag)) tags.remove(item) new_data['saved_tags'] = '\n'.join(tags) new_data.pop('asset_tag') saved_tags = retrieve_saved_tags(new_data) return new_data, saved_tags
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('inventory.view_equipment', raise_exception=True) def snipe_checkout(request): """ Equipment inventory checkout form. Communicates with the Snipe API. """ rental_clients = api.load_rental_clients() if not rental_clients: return HttpResponse("Failed to retrieve rental clients from Snipe", status=501) saved_tags = [] if request.method == 'POST': form = forms.SnipeRentalForm(rental_clients, True, request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): if request.POST['save'] == 'Add item' and request.POST['asset_tag'] not in ['', None]: # Save item to list (if it exists and can be checked out) new_tag = form.cleaned_data['asset_tag'] item = api.get_item_info(new_tag) if item['status'] == 'OK': if item['user_can_checkout']: new_data, saved_tags = update_tag_list(request.POST, item) form = forms.SnipeRentalForm(rental_clients, True, new_data, request.FILES) else: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, "Item is not available for checkout at this time") saved_tags = retrieve_saved_tags(request.POST) else: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, item['messages']) saved_tags = retrieve_saved_tags(request.POST) # Attempt to check out all the items elif request.POST['save'] == 'Check out': errors = [] receipt_data = [] success_count = {'accessories': 0, 'assets': 0} for tag in retrieve_saved_tags(request.POST): is_accessory = re.match('LNLACC([0-9]+)', tag['tag']) if not is_accessory and tag in receipt_data: continue result = api.checkout(tag['id'], form.cleaned_data['renter'], is_accessory) if result['status'] == 'error': errors.append({'item': tag, 'reason': result['messages']}) continue # Item was checked out successfully! Update count and add to receipt if is_accessory: success_count['accessories'] += 1 else: success_count['assets'] += 1 receipt_data.append(tag) if success_count['assets'] > 0 or success_count['accessories'] > 0: messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Successfully checked out {} assets and {} accessories'.format( success_count['assets'], success_count['accessories'])) renter = next((item[1] for item in rental_clients if item[0] == form.cleaned_data['renter'])) receipt_info, total = generate_receipt(request, receipt_data, renter) # Load the summary return render(request, 'inventory/checkout_summary.html', { 'receipt_info': receipt_info, 'total': total, 'errors': errors, 'num_assets': success_count['assets'], 'num_accessories': success_count['accessories'], 'checkout_to': form.cleaned_data['renter'], 'checkout_to_name': renter }) # Remove a pending item from the list elif 'Delete' in request.POST['save']: tag = str(request.POST['save'].split('~')[1]) new_data, saved_tags = remove_saved_tag(request.POST, tag) form = forms.SnipeRentalForm(rental_clients, True, new_data, request.FILES) else: saved_tags = retrieve_saved_tags(request.POST) else: if 'checkout_to' in request.GET: form = forms.SnipeRentalForm(rental_clients, True, initial={'renter': request.GET['checkout_to']}) else: form = forms.SnipeRentalForm(rental_clients, True) return render(request, "form_rental.html", { 'msg': 'Inventory checkout', 'form': form, 'tags': saved_tags, 'submit_btn': "Check out" })
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('inventory.view_equipment', raise_exception=True) def snipe_checkin(request): """ Equipment inventory checkin form. Communicates with Snipe via their API. """ rental_clients = api.load_rental_clients() if not rental_clients: return HttpResponse("Failed to retrieve rental clients from Snipe", status=501) saved_tags = [] if request.method == 'POST': form = forms.SnipeRentalForm(rental_clients, False, request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): renter = next((client[1] for client in rental_clients if client[0] == form.cleaned_data['renter'])) if request.POST['save'] == 'Add item' and request.POST['asset_tag'] not in ['', None]: # Save item to list (if it exists and can be checked in) new_tag = form.cleaned_data['asset_tag'] item = api.get_item_info(new_tag) if item['status'] == 'OK': # Check that the item has been checked out to the user if item['resource_type'] == "accessory": # Item is an accessory active_rentals = api.checkedout(new_tag) if "messages" in active_rentals: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, "Failed to determine if the item has been checked out") saved_tags = retrieve_saved_tags(request.POST) else: saved_tags = retrieve_saved_tags(request.POST) rental_ids = [rental['assigned_pivot_id'] if rental['id'] == form.cleaned_data['renter'] else None for rental in active_rentals] rental_ids = list(filter(None, rental_ids)) num_ids = len(rental_ids) if num_ids > 0: for tag in saved_tags: if int(tag['id']) in rental_ids: rental_ids.remove(int(tag['id'])) if rental_ids: item['id'] = rental_ids[0] new_data, saved_tags = update_tag_list(request.POST, item) form = forms.SnipeRentalForm(rental_clients, False, new_data, request.FILES) else: if num_ids > 0: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, "Only {} instances of {} were checked out to {}" .format(num_ids, item['name'], renter)) else: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, "No instance of %s checked out to %s" % (item['name'], renter)) saved_tags = retrieve_saved_tags(request.POST) else: # Item is an asset if ('assigned_to' not in item or item['assigned_to'] is None or 'type' not in item['assigned_to'] or item['assigned_to']['type'] != 'user' or 'id' not in item['assigned_to'] or item['assigned_to']['id'] != form.cleaned_data['renter']): messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, "Asset wasn't checked out to %s" % renter) saved_tags = retrieve_saved_tags(request.POST) else: new_data, saved_tags = update_tag_list(request.POST, item) form = forms.SnipeRentalForm(rental_clients, False, new_data, request.FILES) else: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, item['messages']) saved_tags = retrieve_saved_tags(request.POST) # Attempt to check in all of the items elif request.POST['save'] == "Check in": errors = [] receipt_data = [] success_count = {'accessories': 0, 'assets': 0} for tag in retrieve_saved_tags(request.POST): is_accessory = re.match('LNLACC([0-9]+)', tag['tag']) if not is_accessory and tag in receipt_data: continue result = api.checkin(tag['id'], is_accessory) if result['status'] == 'error': errors.append({'item': tag, 'reason': result['messages']}) continue # Item was checked in successfully! Update count and add to receipt if is_accessory: success_count['accessories'] += 1 else: success_count['assets'] += 1 receipt_data.append(tag) if success_count['assets'] > 0 or success_count['accessories'] > 0: messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Successfully checked in {} assets and {} accessories'.format( success_count['assets'], success_count['accessories'])) receipt_info, total = generate_receipt(request, receipt_data, renter, True) # Load the summary return render(request, 'inventory/checkin_summary.html', { 'receipt_info': receipt_info, 'num_assets': success_count['assets'], 'num_accessories': success_count['accessories'], 'total': total, 'errors': errors, 'checkin_from': form.cleaned_data['renter'], 'checkin_from_name': renter, }) # Remove a pending item from the list elif 'Delete' in request.POST['save']: tag = str(request.POST['save'].split('~')[1]) new_data, saved_tags = remove_saved_tag(request.POST, tag) form = forms.SnipeRentalForm(rental_clients, False, new_data, request.FILES) else: saved_tags = retrieve_saved_tags(request.POST) else: if 'checkin_from' in request.GET: form = forms.SnipeRentalForm(rental_clients, False, initial={'renter': request.GET['checkin_from']}) else: form = forms.SnipeRentalForm(rental_clients, False) return render(request, "form_rental.html", { 'msg': 'Inventory checkin', 'form': form, 'tags': saved_tags, 'submit_btn': 'Check in' })
[docs]def generate_receipt(request, data, renter, checkin=False): """ Generate a checkin or checkout receipt :param data: List of dictionaries containing the metadata for each of the items that were just checked in or out :param renter: The name of the user or organization the items were rented to :param checkin: Set to True if generating a receipt for checkin :return: Itemized list of item details and the total rental price """ itemized_list = {} success_count = {'accessories': 0, 'assets': 0} for item in data: asset_tag = item['tag'] is_accessory = re.match('LNLACC([0-9]+)', asset_tag) if is_accessory: success_count['accessories'] += 1 if asset_tag in itemized_list: itemized_list[asset_tag]['quantity'] += 1 else: itemized_list[asset_tag] = {'name': item['name'], 'rental_price': item['cost'], 'quantity': 1} else: success_count['assets'] += 1 if asset_tag not in itemized_list: itemized_list[asset_tag] = {'name': item['name'], 'rental_price': item['cost'], 'quantity': 1} # Determine total rental cost rental_prices = [(None if asset_info['rental_price'] is None else asset_info['rental_price'] * asset_info['quantity']) for asset_info in itemized_list.values()] total_rental_price = None if None in rental_prices else sum(rental_prices) # Generate Receipt if checkin: html = render_to_string('pdf_templates/checkin_receipt.html', request=request, context={ 'title': 'Checkin Receipt', 'receipt_info': itemized_list, 'num_assets': success_count['assets'], 'num_accessories': success_count['accessories'], 'total_rental_price': total_rental_price, 'checkin_from': renter, }) action = "checkin" else: html = render_to_string('pdf_templates/checkout_receipt.html', request=request, context={ 'title': 'Checkout Receipt', 'receipt_info': itemized_list, 'num_assets': success_count['assets'], 'num_accessories': success_count['accessories'], 'total_rental_price': total_rental_price, 'checkout_to': renter, }) action = "checkout" pdf_file = BytesIO() pisa.CreatePDF(html, dest=pdf_file, link_callback=link_callback) pdf_handle = pdf_file.getvalue() filename = 'LNL-{}-receipt-{}.pdf'.format(action, attachments = [{'file_handle': pdf_handle, 'name': filename}] email = DefaultLNLEmailGenerator(subject='LNL Inventory {} Receipt'.format(action.capitalize()), to_emails=(, settings.EMAIL_TARGET_RENTALS), attachments=attachments, body='A receipt for the rental {} by {} to {} is attached.'.format( action, request.user, renter)) email.send() return itemized_list, total_rental_price
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('inventory.view_equipment', raise_exception=True) def old_snipe_checkout(request): """ Equipment inventory checkout form. Communicates with Snipe via their API. """ if not settings.SNIPE_URL: return HttpResponse('This page is unavailable because SNIPE_URL is not set.', status=501) if not settings.SNIPE_API_KEY: return HttpResponse('This page is unavailable because SNIPE_API_KEY is not set.', status=501) # Get the list of users in the rental group from Snipe error_message = 'Error communicating with Snipe. Did not check out anything.' checkout_to_choices = [] response = requests.request('GET', '{}api/v1/users'.format(settings.SNIPE_URL), headers={ 'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(settings.SNIPE_API_KEY), 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json' }) if response.status_code == 200: try: data = json.loads(response.text) if data.get('status') == 'error': return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) checkout_to_choices = [(user['id'], user['name']) for user in data['rows'] if 'rental' in ((group['name'] for group in user['groups']['rows']) if user['groups'] is not None else ())] except ValueError: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) else: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) # Handle the form error_message = 'Error communicating with Snipe. Some things may have been checked out while some were not. ' \ 'Please go check Snipe.' if request.method == 'POST': receipt_info = {} form = forms.SnipeCheckoutForm(checkout_to_choices, request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): success_count_assets = 0 success_count_accessories = 0 for tag in [tag for tag in re.split('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', form.cleaned_data['asset_tags']) if tag]: match = re.match('LNLACC([0-9]+)', tag) if match: tag = # This tag represents an accessory response = requests.request('GET', '{}api/v1/accessories/{}'.format(settings.SNIPE_URL, tag), headers={'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(settings.SNIPE_API_KEY), 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json'}) if response.status_code == 200: try: data = json.loads(response.text) if data.get('status') == 'error': # No accessory with that ID exists in Snipe messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'No such accessory with ID {}'.format(tag)) continue accessory_name = data['name'] rental_price = float(data['order_number']) if data['order_number'] is not None else None # Check out the accessory response = requests.request('POST', '{}api/v1/accessories/{}/checkout'.format(settings.SNIPE_URL, tag), data=json.dumps({ 'assigned_to': form.cleaned_data['checkout_to'], }), headers={ 'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(settings.SNIPE_API_KEY), 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json', }) if response.status_code == 200: data = json.loads(response.text) if data.get('status') == 'error': # Snipe refused to check out the accessory (maybe they are all checked out) messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Unable to check out accessory {}. Snipe says: {}'.format(tag, data['messages'])) continue # The accessory was successfully checked out success_count_accessories += 1 if tag in receipt_info: if receipt_info[tag]['name'] != accessory_name \ or receipt_info[tag]['rental_price'] != rental_price: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) receipt_info[tag]['quantity'] += 1 else: receipt_info[tag] = {'name': accessory_name, 'rental_price': rental_price, 'quantity': 1} else: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) except ValueError: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) else: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) else: # This tag represents an asset response = requests.request('GET', '{}api/v1/hardware/bytag/{}'.format(settings.SNIPE_URL, tag), headers={'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(settings.SNIPE_API_KEY), 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json'}) if response.status_code == 200: try: data = json.loads(response.text) if data.get('status') == 'error': # The asset tag does not exist in Snipe messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'No such asset tag {}'.format(tag)) continue asset_name = data['name'] if 'custom_fields' in data and 'Rental Price' in data['custom_fields'] and \ 'value' in data['custom_fields']['Rental Price'] and data['custom_fields']['Rental Price']['value'] is not None: rental_price = float(data['custom_fields']['Rental Price']['value']) else: rental_price = None # Check out the asset response = requests.request('POST', '{}api/v1/hardware/{}/checkout'.format(settings.SNIPE_URL, data['id']), data=json.dumps({ 'checkout_to_type': 'user', 'assigned_user': form.cleaned_data['checkout_to'], }), headers={ 'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(settings.SNIPE_API_KEY), 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json', }) if response.status_code == 200: data = json.loads(response.text) if data.get('status') == 'error': # Snipe refused to check out the asset (maybe it is already checked out) messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Unable to check out asset {} - {}. Snipe says: {}'.format(tag, asset_name, data['messages'])) continue # The asset was successfully checked out success_count_assets += 1 if tag in receipt_info: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) receipt_info[tag] = {'name': asset_name, 'rental_price': rental_price, 'quantity': 1} else: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) except ValueError: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) else: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) if success_count_assets > 0 or success_count_accessories > 0: messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Successfully checked out {} assets and {} accessories'.format(success_count_assets, success_count_accessories)) rental_prices = [(None if asset_info['rental_price'] is None else asset_info['rental_price'] * asset_info['quantity']) for asset_info in receipt_info.values()] total_rental_price = None if None in rental_prices else sum(rental_prices) checkout_to_name = next((item[1] for item in checkout_to_choices if item[0] == form.cleaned_data['checkout_to'])) # Before returning the response, email a PDF receipt html = render_to_string('pdf_templates/checkout_receipt.html', request=request, context={ 'title': 'Checkout Receipt', 'receipt_info': receipt_info, 'num_assets': success_count_assets, 'num_accessories': success_count_accessories, 'total_rental_price': total_rental_price, 'checkout_to': checkout_to_name, }) pdf_file = BytesIO() pisa.CreatePDF(html, dest=pdf_file, link_callback=link_callback) pdf_handle = pdf_file.getvalue() filename = 'LNL-checkout-receipt-{}.pdf'.format( attachments = [{'file_handle': pdf_handle, 'name': filename}] email = DefaultLNLEmailGenerator(subject='LNL Inventory Checkout Receipt', to_emails=(, settings.EMAIL_TARGET_RENTALS), attachments=attachments, body='A receipt for the rental checkout by {} to {} is attached.'.format(request.user, checkout_to_name)) email.send() # Return the response return render(request, 'inventory/checkout_summary.html', { 'receipt_info': receipt_info, 'num_assets': success_count_assets, 'num_accessories': success_count_accessories, 'total': total_rental_price, 'checkout_to': form.cleaned_data['checkout_to'], 'checkout_to_name': checkout_to_name, }) else: form = forms.SnipeCheckoutForm(checkout_to_choices, initial={'checkout_to': form.cleaned_data['checkout_to']}) else: if 'checkout_to' in request.GET: form = forms.SnipeCheckoutForm(checkout_to_choices, initial={'checkout_to': request.GET['checkout_to']}) else: form = forms.SnipeCheckoutForm(checkout_to_choices) return render(request, "form_crispy.html", { 'msg': 'Inventory checkout', 'form': form, })
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('inventory.view_equipment', raise_exception=True) def old_snipe_checkin(request): """ Equipment inventory checkin form. Communicates with Snipe via their API. """ if not settings.SNIPE_URL: return HttpResponse('This page is unavailable because SNIPE_URL is not set.', status=501) if not settings.SNIPE_API_KEY: return HttpResponse('This page is unavailable because SNIPE_API_KEY is not set.', status=501) # Get the list of users in the rental group from Snipe error_message = 'Error communicating with Snipe. Did not check in anything.' checkin_from_choices = [] response = requests.request('GET', '{}api/v1/users'.format(settings.SNIPE_URL), headers={ 'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(settings.SNIPE_API_KEY), 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json' }) if response.status_code == 200: try: data = json.loads(response.text) if data.get('status') == 'error': return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) checkin_from_choices = [(user['id'], user['name']) for user in data['rows'] if 'rental' in ((group['name'] for group in user['groups']['rows']) if user['groups'] is not None else ())] checkin_from_usernames = {user['id']: user['username'] for user in data['rows'] if 'rental' in ((group['name'] for group in user['groups']['rows']) if user['groups'] is not None else ())} except ValueError: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) else: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) # Handle the form error_message = 'Error communicating with Snipe. Some things may have been checked in while some were not. Please go check Snipe.' if request.method == 'POST': form = forms.SnipeCheckinForm(checkin_from_choices, request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): receipt_info = {} receipt_info_extra = {} checkin_from_name = next((item[1] for item in checkin_from_choices if item[0] == form.cleaned_data['checkin_from'])) checkin_from_username = checkin_from_usernames[form.cleaned_data['checkin_from']] success_count_assets = 0 success_count_accessories = 0 extra_count_assets = 0 extra_count_accessories = 0 for tag in [tag for tag in re.split('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', form.cleaned_data['asset_tags']) if tag]: match = re.match('LNLACC([0-9]+)', tag) if match: tag = # This tag represents an accessory response = requests.request('GET', '{}api/v1/accessories/{}'.format(settings.SNIPE_URL, tag), headers={ 'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(settings.SNIPE_API_KEY), 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json' }) if response.status_code == 200: try: data = json.loads(response.text) if data.get('status') == 'error': # No accessory with that ID exists in Snipe messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'No such accessory with ID {}'.format(tag)) continue accessory_name = data['name'] rental_price = float(data['order_number']) if data['order_number'] is not None else None # Get the list of checked out instances of the accessory response = requests.request('GET', '{}api/v1/accessories/{}/checkedout'.format(settings.SNIPE_URL, tag), headers={ 'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(settings.SNIPE_API_KEY), 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json' }) if response.status_code == 200: data = json.loads(response.text) if data.get('status') == 'error': return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) accessory_instances = [a for a in data['rows'] if a['username'] == checkin_from_username] if len(accessory_instances) == 0: # There are no instances of that accessory checked out to the specified Snipe user messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'No instance of {} checked out to {}'.format(accessory_name, checkin_from_name)) extra_count_accessories += 1 if tag in receipt_info_extra: if receipt_info_extra[tag]['name'] != accessory_name \ or receipt_info_extra[tag]['rental_price'] != rental_price: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) receipt_info_extra[tag]['quantity'] += 1 else: receipt_info_extra[tag] = {'name': accessory_name, 'rental_price': rental_price, 'quantity': 1} continue # Check in the accessory response = requests.request('POST', '{}api/v1/accessories/{}/checkin'.format(settings.SNIPE_URL, accessory_instances[0]['assigned_pivot_id']), headers={ 'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(settings.SNIPE_API_KEY), 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json', }) if response.status_code == 200: data = json.loads(response.text) if data.get('status') == 'error': # Snipe refused to check in the accessory messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Unable to check in accessory {}. Snipe says: {}'.format(tag, data['messages'])) continue # The accessory was successfully checked in success_count_accessories += 1 if tag in receipt_info: if receipt_info[tag]['name'] != accessory_name \ or receipt_info[tag]['rental_price'] != rental_price: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) receipt_info[tag]['quantity'] += 1 else: receipt_info[tag] = {'name': accessory_name, 'rental_price': rental_price, 'quantity': 1} else: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) else: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) except ValueError: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) else: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) else: # This tag represents an asset response = requests.request('GET', '{}api/v1/hardware/bytag/{}'.format(settings.SNIPE_URL, tag), headers={ 'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(settings.SNIPE_API_KEY), 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json' }) if response.status_code == 200: try: data = json.loads(response.text) if data.get('status') == 'error': # The asset tag does not exist in Snipe messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'No such asset tag {}'.format(tag)) continue asset_name = data['name'] if 'custom_fields' in data and 'Rental Price' in data['custom_fields'] and \ 'value' in data['custom_fields']['Rental Price'] and data['custom_fields']['Rental Price']['value'] is not None: rental_price = float(data['custom_fields']['Rental Price']['value']) else: rental_price = None if ('assigned_to' not in data or data['assigned_to'] is None or 'type' not in data['assigned_to'] or data['assigned_to']['type'] != 'user' or 'id' not in data['assigned_to'] or data['assigned_to']['id'] != form.cleaned_data['checkin_from']): # That asset is not checked out to the specified Snipe user messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Asset {} was never checked out to {}'.format(asset_name, checkin_from_name)) extra_count_assets += 1 if tag in receipt_info: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) receipt_info_extra[tag] = {'name': asset_name, 'rental_price': rental_price, 'quantity': 1} continue # Check in the asset response = requests.request('POST', '{}api/v1/hardware/{}/checkin'.format(settings.SNIPE_URL, data['id']), headers={ 'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(settings.SNIPE_API_KEY), 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json', }) if response.status_code == 200: data = json.loads(response.text) if data.get('status') == 'error': # Snipe refused to check in the asset messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Unable to check in asset {} - {}. Snipe says: {}'.format(tag, asset_name, data['messages'])) continue # The asset was successfully checked in success_count_assets += 1 if tag in receipt_info: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) receipt_info[tag] = {'name': asset_name, 'rental_price': rental_price, 'quantity': 1} else: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) except ValueError: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) else: return HttpResponse(error_message, status=502) if success_count_assets > 0 or success_count_accessories > 0: messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Successfully checked in {} assets and {} accessories'.format(success_count_assets, success_count_accessories)) rental_prices = [(None if asset_info['rental_price'] is None else asset_info['rental_price'] * asset_info['quantity']) for asset_info in receipt_info.values()] extra_prices = [(None if asset_info['rental_price'] is None else asset_info['rental_price'] * asset_info['quantity']) for asset_info in receipt_info_extra.values()] total_rental_price = None if None in rental_prices or None in extra_prices else sum(rental_prices) + sum(extra_prices) # Before returning the response, email a PDF receipt html = render_to_string('pdf_templates/checkin_receipt.html', request=request, context={ 'title': 'Checkin Receipt', 'receipt_info': receipt_info, 'receipt_info_extra': receipt_info_extra, 'num_assets': success_count_assets, 'num_accessories': success_count_accessories, 'num_extra_assets': extra_count_assets, 'num_extra_accessories': extra_count_accessories, 'total_rental_price': total_rental_price, 'checkin_from': checkin_from_name, }) pdf_file = BytesIO() pisa.CreatePDF(html, dest=pdf_file, link_callback=link_callback) pdf_handle = pdf_file.getvalue() filename = 'LNL-checkin-receipt-{}.pdf'.format( attachments = [{'file_handle': pdf_handle, 'name': filename}] email = DefaultLNLEmailGenerator(subject='LNL Inventory Checkin Receipt', to_emails=(, settings.EMAIL_TARGET_RENTALS), attachments=attachments, body='A receipt for the rental checkin by {} from {} is attached.'.format(request.user, checkin_from_name)) email.send() # Return the response return render(request, 'inventory/checkin_summary.html', { 'receipt_info': receipt_info, 'receipt_info_extra': receipt_info_extra, 'num_assets': success_count_assets, 'num_accessories': success_count_accessories, 'num_extra_assets': extra_count_assets, 'num_extra_accessories': extra_count_accessories, 'total': total_rental_price, 'checkin_from': form.cleaned_data['checkin_from'], 'checkin_from_name': checkin_from_name, }) else: form = forms.SnipeCheckinForm(checkin_from_choices, initial={'checkin_from': form.cleaned_data['checkin_from']}) else: if 'checkin_from' in request.GET: form = forms.SnipeCheckinForm(checkin_from_choices, initial={'checkin_from': request.GET['checkin_from']}) else: form = forms.SnipeCheckinForm(checkin_from_choices) return render(request, "form_crispy.html", { 'msg': 'Inventory checkin', 'form': form, })
[docs]@login_required @permission_required('inventory.view_equipment', raise_exception=True) def snipe_credentials(request): """ Display the login credentials for the general Snipe account """ context = { 'title': 'Snipe Login Credentials', 'message': '<span style="font-size: 1.3em"><strong>Username:</strong> ' + settings.SNIPE_GENERAL_USER + '<br><strong>Password:</strong> ' + settings.SNIPE_GENERAL_PASS + '</span><br><br>' '<a class="btn btn-primary" href="" target="_blank">Login Now</a>' } return render(request, 'default.html', context)