Source code for spotify.api

import json
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import timezone
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
from spotipy.cache_handler import CacheHandler
from spotipy import SpotifyOAuth, Spotify, SpotifyException, SpotifyOauthError
from . import models

scopes = ['user-read-currently-playing', 'user-read-playback-state', 'user-modify-playback-state']

[docs]class DjangoCacheHandler(CacheHandler): """ Custom Spotipy cache handler. Saves authentication information to the database. """ def __init__(self, user, account_id=None): self.user = user self.account = account_id
[docs] def get_cached_token(self): account = models.SpotifyUser.objects.filter(pk=self.account).first() if not self.user: raise SpotifySessionError("Account owner must be specified to retrieve token") if not account: account = models.SpotifyUser.objects.create(user=self.user) self.account = if self.user != account.user: raise SpotifySessionError("Invalid account ID for user %s" % if not account.token_info: return None try: cipher_suite = Fernet(settings.CRYPTO_KEY) except ValueError: raise SpotifySessionError("Cryptographic key is either missing or invalid") return json.loads(cipher_suite.decrypt(account.token_info.encode('utf-8')))
[docs] def save_token_to_cache(self, token_info): account = models.SpotifyUser.objects.filter(pk=self.account).first() if not self.user: raise SpotifySessionError("Account owner must be specified to save token") if not account: account = models.SpotifyUser.objects.create(user=self.user) self.account = try: cipher_suite = Fernet(settings.CRYPTO_KEY) except ValueError: raise SpotifySessionError("Cryptographic key is either missing or invalid") encrypted_token_info = cipher_suite.encrypt(json.dumps(token_info).encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') account.token_info = encrypted_token_info
[docs]class SpotifySessionError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, error=None, error_description=None, *args, **kwargs): self.error = error self.error_description = error_description self.__dict__.update(kwargs) super(SpotifySessionError, self).__init__(message, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_spotify_session(account, request_user): """ Call this method to get a Spotify session for a specific Spotify account. :param account: SpotifyUser object :param request_user: The user currently logged in (User object) :return: A Spotify object (manages the session and API calls) """ if account.personal and request_user != account.user: raise SpotifySessionError("User is not permitted to access this account") cache_handler = DjangoCacheHandler(account.user, state = "u%da%d" % (, try: auth_manager = SpotifyOAuth(client_id=settings.SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=settings.SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET, redirect_uri=settings.SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URI, state=state, scope=' '.join(scopes), cache_handler=cache_handler) except SpotifyOauthError as error: raise SpotifyException(403, "SpotifyOAuth", str(error)) return Spotify(auth_manager=auth_manager)
[docs]def get_track(session, identifier): """ Retrieves the metadata for a given item in Spotify :param session: A Session object (used for authenticating the request) :param identifier: The unique Spotify ID for the item :return: Item metadata, if available (Dictionary) """ try: api = get_spotify_session(session.user, session.user.user) return api.track(identifier) except SpotifyException: return None
[docs]def add_to_queue(song_request, request_user): """ Attempt to add a track to the Spotify queue :param song_request: Song request object :param request_user: The user currently logged in (User object) :return: None on success; SpotifyException otherwise """ try: api = get_spotify_session(song_request.session.user, request_user) api.add_to_queue(song_request.identifier) song_request.queued = except SpotifyException as error: return error return None
[docs]def queue_estimate(session, ms=False): """ Attempt to determine wait time for new song requests :param session: The corresponding Session object :param ms: If True, return the estimate in milliseconds :return: Time remaining, if available (Int) """ currently_playing = get_currently_playing(session) if not currently_playing: return None progress = currently_playing['progress_ms'] item = currently_playing['item']['id'] current_song = models.SongRequest.objects.filter(identifier=item, session=session).first() time_remaining = 0 if current_song and current_song.queued: time_remaining += current_song.duration - progress upcoming = models.SongRequest.objects.filter(queued__gt=current_song.queued, session=session) for request in upcoming: time_remaining += request.duration if not ms: time_remaining = int(time_remaining / 60000) return time_remaining return None
[docs]def get_currently_playing(session): """ Attempts to get details about what is currently playing in Spotify :param session: The corresponding Session object :return: Item metadata, if available (Dictionary) """ try: api = get_spotify_session(session.user, session.user.user) return api.currently_playing() except SpotifyException: return None
[docs]def get_playback_state(session): """ Retrieves information about the session's current playback state :param session: The corresponding Session object :return: Playback state information (Dictionary) """ try: api = get_spotify_session(session.user, session.user.user) return api.current_playback() except SpotifyException: return None
[docs]def get_available_devices(account): """ Retrieves information about a Spotify user's available devices :param account: The corresponding SpotifyUser object :return: Device info (List of Dictionaries) """ try: api = get_spotify_session(account, account.user) return api.devices() except SpotifyException: return None
[docs]def play(session, device=None): """ Starts or resumes playback for a given session. :param session: The corresponding Session object :param device: The unique id of the device to start playback on :return: None (if successful); Error message otherwise (string) """ try: api = get_spotify_session(session.user, session.user.user) return api.start_playback(device) except SpotifyException as e: return e.msg.split('\n')[-1]
[docs]def pause(session): """ Pause playback for a given session. :param session: The corresponding Session object :return: None (if successful); Error message otherwise (string) """ try: api = get_spotify_session(session.user, session.user.user) return api.pause_playback() except SpotifyException as e: return e.msg.split('\n')[-1]