Update your profile

Your profile on the LNL Database (LNLDB) contains a variety of information about you, most of which you can edit.

Accessing your profile

To access your profile, log into the LNLDB at lnl.wpi.edu/db. Once logged in, you will see Logged in as <Your Name> in the top right corner of the page. Clicking on <Your Name> will take you to your profile. Your profile has information like what events you have participated in, how many meetings you have attended, and how many hours you have spent on events, as well as your contact information and your training certificates.

Editing your profile

Click the blue Modify button to edit your profile. Here you can update user, contact and student info. Contact the Secretary at lnl-s@wpi.edu if you need to make changes to the non-editable fields. When you have completed your updates, click the blue Update Member and Return button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.


Internal info can only be edited by those with Officer level access. Please reach out to our Secretary if this information is incorrect.

Last Modified: April 17, 2021